Discount calculator

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Discount calculator

Discount calculator

Today, most large, medium and small companies involved in the sale of goods and services periodically provide discounts to customers. This is an effective way to attract attention and increase demand, thanks to which you can significantly increase sales and bottom line - despite the fact that goods / services are sold at reduced prices.

Discounts, promotions and sales

According to economic terminology, a discount is a marketing tool designed to encourage customers to make purchases. In fact, this is a unilateral reduction in the cost of goods / services on the part of the seller. It is also customary to call a discount the difference between the initial cost and the one that is valid at the time the promotion / bonus is provided. For example, if a store discounts 15%, then this number will be called a discount.

As a rule, by discounting the cost of a particular product, the seller never drops below its cost. The buyer is guided by the price that was indicated in the price tag, and this is a deliberately overestimated value. Thus, the seller does not act to his own detriment, even in the worst case (if the action did not work), and in the best case, he increases profits.

The promotional policy is recognized as effective all over the world and is used by representatives of large, medium and small businesses. Food, electronics, clothing, sports equipment, building materials stores - all, one way or another, use a system of discounts, which can be:

  • Simple (not dependent on secondary factors).
  • Cumulative (per turnover).
  • Seasonal (for T-shirts in winter, or for jackets in summer when there is a minimum demand).
  • For regular customers (so that they do not go to competitors).
  • For faster payment (the faster it goes, the lower the price tag).
  • For the volume of purchased goods (wholesale is cheaper).
  • For new products (for the purpose of their additional advertising).

In total, there are about 40 types of discounts: dealer, offset, bonus, collective, holiday, special, subscription and so on. All of them are conditionally divided into 3 large categories: sales, logistics and marketing. The former are intended for concluding commodity-money transactions, the latter for improving cash and commodity flows, and the third for structuring distribution channels and establishing business relationships with business partners.

Statistics show that only significant discounts can attract the interest of buyers. Thus, a discount of 3 or 5% is not enough incentive to increase demand. In order for it to grow noticeably, it is necessary to drop at least 12-13%. In this case, it is desirable to use contrasting / borderline price values so that the difference is noticeable to the naked eye. Thus, the offer "5100 instead of $5300" does not look as attractive as "4900 instead of $5100", although in both cases $200 is discounted.

Interesting facts

Discounts, in one form or another, have existed at all times - since the moment a person mastered trade: the exchange of goods and services for conventional units (money). It does not matter where and when the product was sold: in a modern hypermarket or in a medieval bazaar. In both cases, the stale or perishable product was sold/sold cheaper, and this is an objective law of reality. Only today, unlike ancient times, there are detailed sales statistics, from which very interesting facts follow:

  • Up to 93% of all consumers use coupons/codes at least once a year to purchase goods/services at reduced prices.
  • If buyers are offered two options: a 30% price reduction or a 30% increase in volume, the vast majority will choose the second option.
  • Only 30% of buyers place orders to become owners of goods. And 70% do it to solve a specific problem / task (buying food to satisfy hunger, medicines to heal, clothes to go out).
  • Spam actually works and, according to statistics, more than 70% of respondents respond to promotional offers that come to their email.
  • The free shipping promotion is deservedly the best. So, in two cases with the same product, the buyer is more likely to agree to a price tag of $500 with free shipping than a price tag of $250 and paid shipping for $250.

Discount is an effective marketing tool, and this is clearly seen in the statistics of grocery hypermarkets. So, the bulk of buyers not only tend to fill the baskets with goods with red / promotional price tags in the first place, but also, in principle, come to the store only because of them. If there were no shares, the average buyer would either refuse the purchase or postpone it to another day.

How to calculate a discount and sale price

How to calculate a discount and sale price

It is not necessary to earn a lot of money in order to have enough for everyday needs. It is enough to properly organize expenses and save yourself from unnecessary expenses in order not only to cover all your needs, but also to make monthly savings.

It doesn't have to be downshifting, ascetic or minimalist. It is not necessary to change your worldview and life priorities, it is enough to correctly set economic priorities in your daily life.

How to learn how to save money

Walking around in second-hand clothes and eating only cereals is not a good idea. Such an “extreme” is not suitable for anyone and will never be included in the list of modern methods of saving a personal budget. But it includes much more “soft” and easy-to-use methods that are relevant at the moment:

  • Don't overpay for brands. Snickers really taste better than a regular candy bar, and Nike sportswear is better than Chinese clothes. But is it worth overpaying for a small difference in quality of 100-300% of the price or more? Thinking about this, many refuse to buy branded products on principle and thereby save a lot of money.
  • Choose the payment method that's right for you. Research shows that most people find it easier to part with non-cash than with cash. If this applies to you too, do not use bank cards to pay for goods and services and always carry cash with you.
  • Minimize extra petty expenses. Is the TV $500 and shipping $550? Payment for the Internet through the terminal is accompanied by a commission of $ 1.5, and through online banking - $ 1? In such cases, it is worth choosing the cheapest options and at the end of the month you will be surprised how much money they can save you in total.
  • Use promotions properly. When a seller lists a product at a reduced price, it seems that this offer is unique and short-lived, and in a couple of days it will be too late to buy. But think about whether you really need it, because an unnecessary thing is not worth buying even with an 80% discount.
  • Track and compare prices. The difference for the same product in different stores can be up to 50%, especially when it comes to online platforms. There are even special sites that allow you to monitor the entire domestic market and find the most profitable ones among hundreds of offers at the moment.
  • Purchase together. One of the most common promotions in retail stores is "3 items for the price of 2" or "Buy two items, get the third free." Unfortunately, this most often concerns the same type of things, for example - three T-shirts, three packs of coffee. If you don't need three identical things, join forces with friends/relatives, or look for like-minded people on social networks.
  • Plan your expenses in advance. Having gone to the store for bread, you can return home with a full package of products, spending several times more than you planned. To avoid this, make a shopping list in advance and stick to it strictly.
  • Haggain. Bargaining is inappropriate in ordinary stores or hypermarkets, and they simply do not provide such an option. But it is available in retail markets and ad services, where you negotiate with the seller directly and can get a good discount from him during the auction.
  • Always carry a bottle of water with you. When you get thirsty, you don't have to pay exorbitant prices for it. The same applies to a small snack that you can always carry with you: a pack of cookies, a bag of nuts.
  • Don't buy perishable food if it's sold at discounted prices. In an attempt to save money, on the contrary, you will spend extra money, as some of what you buy will either go bad or taste bad.
  • Give up bad habits. Voluntarily paying for something that worsens your health is a very bad idea, and it should be completely abandoned: immediately or gradually.

The above tips are quite banal, but they are highly effective. Despite their obviousness, not everyone uses these recommendations, but in vain - after all, if you try at least half of this list for yourself, you can achieve monthly savings of up to 20-30%. Think through your wardrobe, make shopping lists, monitor your health and always opt for practicality, not status and brand!